How to write your Wedding Speech

How to write your Wedding Speech

9 June 2024

Before you get started, it's worth taking some time to consider who you want to be making a speech at your wedding.

Tradition states that the Father of the Bride, the Groom and Best-man (men or woman!) should give a speech at a Wedding- and usually in that order.

However, with modern times, and let’s face it, traditional traditions being thrown out of the window, pretty much anything goes! In recent years we’ve seen the Maid of Honour, Mother of the Bride, Brother of the Bride, even the Bride themselves choosing to get a look-in on the show!

And what better way to get the people that you love involved in your Wedding Day, than asking them to say a few words.

So, whoever you want to make a speech at your Wedding- let them know, ask them to speak and make your Wedding what you want it to be.

When it comes to writing speeches, it’s best practice to be prepared! So, in light of you’re speech preparation, here are my top tips to writing your Wedding speech!

Start planning your speech early… don’t leave it until the last minute!

Jot down notes so you don’t forget your ideas- all of those stories and memories are definately worth retelling.

Think about the purpose of your speech

One of the first things you should think about when you’re writing your speech is “what do you want to achieve”? It would seem an obvious concept for a wedding speech, but you’d be surprised at how difficult this simple question is to answer. What do you want to say to the guests? What do you want to say to the couple? What is your overarching message? Thinking about these questions, will help you to add some purpose, focus and structure to your speech, keeping it on topic and steering free of any dull waffling!

Take your time

Give your creative juices an opportunity to develop- gather your ideas together, then give yourself time to edit and fine-tune.

Make sure it flows

Have a beginning, a middle and an end! Give your speech structure, so your audience can follow you on the journey... and keep it moving in one direction. You’re audience will follow your stories more easily and they’ll enjoy the effect even more!


By starting early, you’ll give yourself time to practice and rehearse. Why not use some of your fellow wedding party members to practice with. Write your speech down and use prompt cards if you need to- if you do use a prompt make sure you practice enough to remember to main points and the order in which you want to make them, so you can make eye contact with your audience every so often. Also, don’t forget the breathe! A breath and a pause every now and again will help maintain a sensible pace, keep the flow and calm the nerves. Maybe even record yourself rehearsing the speech- you’ll be able to pick up on any mannerisms that you want to avoid… “ummmmm”!

Be yourself

Remember that you’re not being expected to put on a show! The couple have asked you to share your personal perspective and experiences, so make sure that they come from you and they sound like you. They asked you, so they want you- don’t try to be something or someone that you’re not. Remind yourself that you’re speaking to and about someone that you love and care about, so be yourself and let your personality shine through.

Make it personal

Chances are you have a close relationship to at least one of the couple, you have been asked to make a speech at their Wedding after all, so use that relationship, your history and most likely the plenty of stories that you have, to help write your speech. Don’t hesitate to make it personal and share those precious memories with their guests.

Talk about the couple

At the end of the day it’s about both of them, so make sure that you mention them both in your speech. Chances are you’re relationship is biased to one side, so make sure you mention their other half- recount the first time you met them- talk about them as a couple.

Consider your audience

Make sure your speech fits with the audience- most likely you’ll have everyone from elderly grandparents to young children... and everyone in between, so keep it clean, be considerate and be positive. Celebrate the wonderful time between the couple.

Keep in short and Sweet

Make your speech meaningful and memorable- but not about you! 2-5 minutes is the perfect length of time- anything shorter is brief but sufficient and anything longer starts to drag on!

Add a little humour

Keep your speech light hearted and creative, whether that’s through some memorable experiences that you’re excited to share, or the odd Dad joke (though watch out for the groans with the laughs!). Make sure any of your humorous anecdotes make your couple shine! If you’re sharing any “in-jokes,” make sure you give your audience the background story to be sure that you’re not left with half of your audience wetting themselves with laughter whilst the other half have no idea what’s going on!

Its OK to keep it simple and from the heart.

If speeches and entertainment just isn’t your thing, then that’s OK. Don’t force yourself to be a comedian if that just isn’t you. Instead, try to be meaningful with your speech- keep it simple, genuine and from the heart. Address your audience in your speech- focussing on how you want your audience to feel, will help you to speak from the heart, it will make your couple feel so special and help you to engage with your audience- it will also help with the nerves!

Smile and have fun

I know it’s sometimes hard to smile when you’re nervous, but a smile goes a long way and everyone in that room is there to back you up and eager to hear what you have to say. So, take a deep breath and give yourself a big smile! It will help to calm any nerves and set you on the right track to a great, fun-filled speech.

End on a high and finish with a toast

End your speech on a high! The conclusion to your speech should be memorable, have impact and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Something heartfelt and happy will always give a resounding positivity to the end of a fantastic speech.

Every great speech should also finish with a toast, so don’t forget to raise a glass to the happy couple. It’s a great way to round off your speech and clearly tells your audience that you’re finished! Just make sure your glass is full!

Speech alternatives or additions

If you’re multi-talented then why not use them in your speech! If you’re musical, burst into song; use props, instruments, and get other guests involved. The newlyweds will feel even more special, knowing that you created something just for them and the guests will love the entertainment too!

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