Planning your Engagement
Planning your Engagement
1 October 2023

A HUGE congratulations to you if you recently got engaged! I hope you’re savouring the moment and enjoying that newly-engaged buzz!!!

It’s such a wonderful time to meet with friends, enjoy the excitement and create that picture of your dream Wedding. So, take your time, bask in the joy, cherish the moment and soak up the love!

… and when you’re ready to start your Wedding Planning journey, contact me to find out how I can help you!

If, however, you’re still looking to make the perfect proposal, keep reading, as I share my top tips to planning an extraordinary and unforgettable engagement!

Newly engaged couple in love - Camellio Wedding Planning and Events - Essex Wedding Planner

You’ve found the love of your life and now it’s time to take the next step and make a life long commitment… but finding the perfect way to pop the question isn’t always as easy as it sounds!

Your Engagement is a once in a lifetime moment- that with the right planning can be an extraordinary experience- and the perfect start to the rest of your life together.

Here, are my top engagement tips, to make sure your proposal is simply unforgettable- and for all the right reasons!

1. Make sure you’re both on the same page

Be sure that you’re both aligned when it comes to your future- at the end of the day, it’s an equal commitment from both parties and one that you want to last for a lifetime! Have some non-specific conversations about timelines, styles and general expectations to make sure you’re on the same page, without spoiling a surprise proposal!

2. Ask for permission

OK, it’s a little old fashioned, but the tradition of asking for your partner’s hand from their parents and/or family shows respect, and dignity- their family will always appreciate the sentiment and it will get your engagement off to a great start!

Newly engaged copuple holding hands and showing off diamond engagement ring - Camellio Wedding Planning and Events - Essex Wedding Planner

3. Set-up a back story!

Planning a proposal can take some time- time that you’ll likely be away from your partner. So, if you don’t want to ruin the surprise, create a convincing story to explain the trips out and the phone calls- just to keep your partner’s mind at ease!

4. Think about what your partner would want

Think about how your partner would love to be proposed to- some people will want this to be a private intimate moment, whilst others will be elated to have their proposal captured by an audience. Think about your partner’s comfort and tailor your proposal accordingly. Just don’t make your engagement an ordinary day- choose a day that’s symbolic to you both in some way, to make it feel extra special.

Popping the Question and becoming engaged in a lavender field - Camellio Wedding Planning and Events - Essex Wedding Planner

5. Add some personal touches

Incorporate some personal touches to your proposal that reflect your shared journey, to bring you to this moment. Whether that’s planning activities that you enjoy together, letters that you’ve written or mementos from your favourite trips. Adding a personal touch will help to create that extra special sentiment, to make your proposal unique and unforgettable.

6. Be prepared and find the right words

This is a special moment- it’s not one to rely on improvisation, so plan what you want to say before the big day and practise!

Newly-engaged Kissing Ring - Camellio Wedding Planning and Events - Essex Wedding Planner

7. Be yourself and say how you feel

Your partner loves you for who you are, so be yourself. It’s OK to be nervous, but at the end of the day, if you love one another and you’re both ready for this next chapter in your lives, then you can be confident that it will be a beautiful moment. Tell your partner how you feel- let them know how much they mean to you… and if you find yourself lost for words, seal the moment with a kiss!

8. Plan to capture your special moment

Whether that’s by hiring the skills of a professional photographer or videographer, or roping in a friend; having someone to capture your special moment is something that you won’t regret.

Capturing him popping the question in a very scenic location - Camellio Wedding Planning and Events - Essex Wedding Planner

9. To surprise or not to surprise?

This really is dependent upon the individual- would they appreciate a surprise proposal? Would they want to be involved in choosing the ring? Think about what they would want and arrange your plans around them!

10. Choosing the perfect ring

If you plan on surprising your partner with a ring, try and get an idea before-hand of the style that they would like. Take your time to choose the perfect ring and remember why you chose it- you can share your thoughts and reasons with your partner later to show how much thought and the effort you put into choosing the perfect ring.

Think about how you plan to transport the ring, safely and inconspicuously (a small velvet bag is a great option if you can’t hide the original ring box) and if you can’t check your partner’s ring size beforehand, buy the ring a little too big (rather than too small)- there aren’t many moments more embarrassing, than not being able to fit your engagement ring onto your partner’s finger!

If you choose to buy the ring together, research some ring shops in advance. Choose shops with styles that you think your partner will love and visit them together. Alternatively, visit a jeweller that can make a bespoke ring for you, so you can both be involved in the whole design process, to create a truly unique ring that’s personal and meaningful to you both.

Engagement ring lovingly holding hands - Camellio Wedding Planning and Events - Essex Wedding Planner

11. Be flexible

Even the best made plans don’t always turn out the way you expect them to, so don’t get hung up on any little mishaps and just roll with it. You’ll create a wonderful and memorable experience no matter what, so just enjoy every moment.

12. Find the perfect timing

The atmosphere is one of the most important parts of a proposal and by creating the perfect mood and ambience, the perfect moment to propose will arrive. Listen to your feelings and don’t rush- follow your instincts- when the right moment arrives you will know. Have a bottle of bubbly on hand to celebrate the moment!

The perfect timing for a proposal - Camellio Wedding Planning and Events - Essex Wedding Planner

13. Enjoy the moment

As with any big life event, give yourselves the opportunity to enjoy the moment. Whether that’s by choosing not to share your engagement straight away, to give yourselves some time to soak it all in together, as a couple; or whether you want to share your excitement with your loved ones as soon as possible, with a big bash; do what’s right for the two of you and make the most of life’s special moments.

14. Ask for help if you need it!

If you need some help planning your engagement, coordinating the photographer, finding the perfect location, or arranging the engagement party… and doing it all in secret(!), don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether that’s a best friend, trusted sibling or a professional event planner, ask for help if you need support and assistance and enjoy the excitement of planning your engagement!

If you need help with any stage of your proposal planning, get in touch for inspiration, help and support!

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